1. Name Elliot's Four Quartets
-Burnt Norton
-Little Gidding
-East Coker
-Dry Salvages
2. "When I wake I cry to dream again" - Caliban (in Shakespeare's The Tempest)
3. Memorize verbatum: "We shall not cease from exploration/ And the end of all our exploring/ Will be to arrive where we started/ And know the place for the first time."
4. "I only want to please you" - Prospero (from The Tempest) and the lady in the airplane
5. What are the last words from The Following Story?
"the folloing story"
6. What river do they end up on in The Following Story?
The amazon river (the eternal return --> left and returned to the same place)
7. What is the name of the hollowed out book Neo keeps his money in in "The Matrix"?
Simulacra and Simulation
8. What are the symbols for life and death in Elliot's Four Quartets?
the rose (life) and the yew tree (death)
9. What river related symbol represents Anna Livia?
a delta (Δ)
10. What arabic word in The Alchemist means "it is written?"
11. In Little Gidding, what is the cost of simplicity?
everything --> "A condition of complete simplicity (costing not less than everything)" (59)
12. Where does the main character in The Alchemist find the treasure?
under the tree (at home)
13. According to gnostics, what did Jesus come to bring mankind?
knowledge (gnosis)
14. What does Prospero say to Miranda in The Tempest to stimulate her memory?
"What seest thou else in the dark backward and abysm of time?"
15. What is the essence of alchemy according to Christina?
it is a process of purification
16. What little animal is in the garden in Burnt Norton?
a bird
17. What is the nickname given to Herman Mussert by his students?
Socrates (due to the way he looks -->ugly)
* also goes by the pseudonym Dr. Strabo for his travel guides
18. Santiago de Compostela
-->The camino de Santiago is a collection of pilgramage roots all ending at Santiago de Compostela in Spain (taken to experience transcendence) , also called the path of St. James
--> Santiago is the name of main character in The Alchemist who goes on a journey to find his "personal legend"
19. What is the glitch in the matrix?
déjà vu (Neo experiences it with a black cat)
20. answer: "Mysterious mental maneuver"
--> from Vladimir Nabokov's Transparent Things
--> also used to separate the two parts in Noteboom's The Following Story
21. Shakespeare is to Prospero, as Becket is to Malloy (according to Maggie)
22. What is the name of Santiago's desert girl?
23. What is:
The emerald tablet:
The Elixir of Life:
The Philosopher's Stone:
24. Who else is on the boat with Herman Mussert?
- child
- priest
- teacher
- academic
- pilot
- journalist
25. What language was The Alchemist originally written in?
26. What is "anima mundi"?
"soul/spirit of the world" --> The Alchemist
27. Which 2 colors symbolize alchemy (the rose)?
red and white (from the wiki article)
28. What is the most repeated word in The Tempest?
29. What game are Ferdinand and Miranda playing?
30. What is Mussert's profession"
latin teacher, teacher of the classics, and travel guide writer
31. According to Dr. Sexon, what to Miranda's attendants symbolize mythologically speaking?
the 9 muses
32. What is the latin word meaning "time?"
33. What are the two exceptions to the rule that low brow books are popular and high brow books are not popular?
(1) the bible and (2) Shakespeare's writings
34. How long is The Following Story; how much time passes?
2 seconds (one for each part)
35. Who is in the foilage in Burnt Norton?
36. What story from Ovid's Metamorphosis does Mussert play out for his students?
Phaethon driving his father's chariot
37. Mussert - "The world in a never ending cross reference"
38. Prospero - "Release me from these bands with the help of your great hands"
--> asking the audience to clap if they liked the show (in the end of the book/play